Research & public articles
Welcome to our Research & Public Articles Section
In our commitment to knowledge sharing and staying at the forefront of our field, we're excited to present a collection of research papers, articles and publications. This foundation of rigorous research and theory sets the foundations to our technology.
We believe that knowledge is most valuable when it's shared, and we hope you find our contributions both enlightening and informative.

OptiRAS™ proves its worth - benefits in water quality and potential fish welfare from new technology.
Technology company SeaRAS, known for developing the OptiRAS™ system, AquaDUCT™ water treatment and the analytical AquaSENSE™ system has combined all three in the pilot demonstration of OptiRAS™ system. The long-anticipated results from the first 5-month operational pilot period (Fig. 1) has provided new data from the system highlighting distinct benefits of the innovative design in terms of water quality and gas management with respect to potential fish welfare benefits and economic operating costs.

The SeaRAS AquaSense™ System: Real-Time Monitoring of H2S at Sub µg/L Levels in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is toxic to all species used in aquaculture. The extensive fish mortalities inflicted by H2S-poisoning can cause significant direct economic losses. Called the silent killer among scholars and fish farmers, H2S is highly soluble in aquatic environments and has significant damage potential; once detected, the time for mitigation actions is limited as fish stocks are rapidly impacted by the gas...

Early warning through video monitoring: Dissolved hydrogen sulphide (H2S) affects Atlantic salmon swimming behavior in recirculating aquaculture systems
Continuous measurements of dissolved H2S, O2 and CO2 were taken using a real-time monitoring system... - AquaSENSE™

Hydrogen sulphide dynamics in recirculating aquaculture systems with moving or fixed bed biofilters: A case study in two commercial salmon smolt producing farms in Norway
Self-calibrating, automatic gas-phase H2S sensors were installed at three locations per farm: after the fish tanks, after the biofilters and after the degassers and operated for a period of approximately 70 days in both farms... - AquaSENSE™